Contoh Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kd 3.3

Contoh Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Kd 3.3

1.    Find the meaning of the following phrase!
a.    You must study hard!    = ___________________________________________________________
b.    We should be active.     = ___________________________________________________________
c.    We have to do our homework.    = ____________________________________________________
d.    Don’t make a noise.    = ___________________________________________________________
e.    We should not play truant.    = _____________________________________________________
f.    You must not come late.        = ____________________________________________________
g.    Don’t be lazy.        = ___________________________________________________________
h.    You should take a rest.        = ____________________________________________________
i.    We’d better go to the library now.    = ______________________________________________
j.    We should tell our teacher about it.    = ______________________________________________

2.    Read the dialogue carefully, the identify the expessions!
Mr. Rahmat    : Good morning, students.
Students        : Good morning, Sir.
Mr. Rahmat    : Have you done your painting?
Students        : Yes, we have Sir.
Mr. Rahmat    : Very good! Dewi, please bring your painting here!
Dewi        : Okay, here it is Sir.
Mr. Rahmat    : What do you think about Dewi’s painting Tommy?
Tommy        : I think that’s very beautiful, Sir.
Mr. Rahmat    : Okayfor the others, will you submit your painting now?
Students        : Of course, Sir.
Mr. Rahmat    : Thank you. Please put them on the teacher’s table! You must write down your name, class and number on your painting. Don’t make any noise please.
Students        : Yes, Sir. (They are busy submitting their work)
Mr. Rahmat    : Attention please students. Now please read the materials on your book on page 24, then make the resum of it. Do you understand?
Students        : Yes, Sir.
Putri        : Excuse me sir, may I go to the bathroom?
Mr. Rahmat    : Yes, please.

Identify the expression of:
a.    Obligation : ______________________________________________________________________
b.    Prohibition : ______________________________________________________________________

3.    Fill in the blanks with the suitable expression! 

a.    Mr. Hasan    : Okay students,   __________________________________________ (stating the obligation of the students to submit the work next week)
Students    : Yes, Sir.

b.    Doni    : I want to go to Heru’s house after school to do the project.
Ismi    : Have you told your mother?
Doni    : No I haven’t.
Ismi    : __________________________________________ (stating the suggestion to Doni to tell his mother)
Doni    : All right. I will ask Ferdi to tell her.

******* G O O D   L U C K *******

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